Thursday, October 29, 2009

Second Opinion in a week

After the strangely unsatisfying experience at the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville ( I have new hope. A second opinion on my case will happen next friday at the Cleveland Clinic.

I'm a 43 yr. old woman and I have been very ill on and off for two years. A torture-like pain is in my stomach between and under my ribs. I also am all around sick to the point that I have to lay down during the day. I have no appetite and eating, drinking, moving, breathing deep make the pain worse when it is present. It disables me so much that I get atrophy. (I'm a type A and am hyper) Sometimes it goes away completely for a month or two, like a miracle. I am ill about 70% of the time. Before this problem I had three abdominal surgeries. The Mayo Clinic I feel sent me down the river too quickly-they think it is scar tissue and that I need physical therapy and pain management. Three other doctors think that the Mayo Clinic is wrong. One thinks I may not be producing enough pancreas enzymes or have a hernia.

I am looking forward to hearing the Cleveland Clinic's opinion. The best in the country.

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